
  • also ich habe gestern einen lcd backpack bekommen der kurz funktioniert hat und dann plötzlich nicht mehr in der anleitung steht dass ich ein firmewareupdate machen soll mit diesem link: dieser link funktioniert aber nicht und auf die gopro support Seite komme ich auch nicht kann mir vielleicht jemand helfen??

  • Support wieder offen :


    GoPro Temporary Support Page

    Like many sites on the Internet such as Netflix and Instagram, runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS). On December 24, 2012, for an as of yet unknown reason, AWS went down and affected large swaths of the internet, which included our site. Our engineers have been working around the clock to mitigate this problem. As of 12PM PT on December 25, 2012, Amazon has fully restored service, and we have in turn been diligently working to restore all services on

    We have put up this temporary support page with some of the most popular and important links to get our users up and running. This page will remain up for several days in order to provide reliable access to the below resources.

    Sollte also alles wieder gehen.